Offshore Helideck
Un-Used Surplus NEW Offshore Helideck, built to spec for a cancelled contract, available for immediate delivery Diagram and specs in link below Helide...
Union Triplex Pumps
Three (3) Stainless Steel Koomey Triplex Pumps. Excellent Condition. SPECS: Union Pump Company Triplex Pumps, Size 1X3 QD-100, Drive End Rating 4800lb...
120 Man Living Quarters
Un-Used Surplus New 120-man living quarters. Suitable for Onshore and Offshore use. Sleepers w/bathrooms for 120 men, Gym/Locker Room, Laundry, Confer...
Rolls Royce Thrusters
Un-Used Surplus Offshore Rig Thrusters! These 5 thrusters were purchased in 2013 from Rolls Royce to be installed on a Drillship project in Singapore....
NOV Service Access Baskets
🤑PRICE DROP🤑 Three (3) Un-Used Surplus NEW Service and Access Baskets. Major Price Drop on these, you don’t want to miss out on this deal!...
APL Bow Loading System
APL/NOV BLS ‘Bow Loading System’, The BLS system provides efficient means for transferring petroleum product from a floating production- (...
Hagglunds winches
Two (2) Hagglunds hydraulic winches, very good condition, Complete with brake and counter balance valves. *price is per winch Message us below for purchasing
Brohl OM 400 Anchor Winches
Four (4) Brohl Offshore Anchor Winches, Type OM 400, Great Condition and Priced to Sell Specs: 400kn/40 ton Pulling Force, 775m/2500ft Winch Drum Capa...
NOV Deadline Anchor
🤑PRICE DROP🤑Un-Used Surplus ‘NEW’ National Oilwell Varco Wireline (Deadline) Anchor, Model FRH160CUR, 160,000 lbs S.W.L., complete w...
Safety Caravan
Brand NEW Mobile Job Site Safety Caravan with Client Room, Crew Room, Store and Safety Shower. Built on Heavy Duty Two Axle Trailer See build sheet an...
Bunker Hose Stations
Three (3) Sets of Un-Used Surplus NEW TechFlow Marine Bunker Hose Reel Stations Additional Photos *price is per reel set Message us below for Purchasing
MWD Mud Pulse EM Kits
Several Measurement While Drilling Kits, Three (3) Mud-Pulse Kits and Six (6) EM Kits, details and additional photos in links below. Inventory Sheet E...