7-7/16 to 9-5/8 inch Drill Collars
Thirty-Five (35) 7-7/16” to 9-5/8” Slick with Slip Recess Drill Collars, All American OEM If you have Questions, would like to Request a Price or...
6-1/4 to 9-3/8 inch Drill Collars
Thirty-One (31) AMERICAN 6-1/4″ to 9-3/8” Drill Collars Message us below for a formal quote
6 to 6-1/2 inch Drill Collars
Forty-Five (45) AMERICAN 6” to 6-1/2” Slick w/ Slip Recess Drill Collars (NC46 – 4-1/2” XH Conn.) Scroll though pics for available invento...
NOV 4 inch XT 39
800 jts (25,200’) Used, NOV 4” XT-39, S-135 14.00# R2 II WB w/ (XT-39 Conn.) 4.90 OD Box & PIN, 12-1/4” to 14-1/4” Box TJ, 9-1/4” to 10-...
American 6 1/2 and 8 inch Collars
AMERICAN, Used, (15) 6-1/2” x 31’ & (3) 8” x 31’ Slick w/ Slip Recess, R2 II WB Drill Collars Excellent Condition, Great Price Package DEA...
Premium 5 inch G105 R2 WB
634 jts (19,971’) AMERICAN, Used, 5” G-105 19.50# R2 II WB w/ (NC 50 – 4-1/2” IF Conn.) Hardbanded w/ IPC. Full Spec Used Pipe 6.65 OD Box...
American 5 inch G105 R2
315 jts, (9,922’) AMERICAN, Used, 5” G-105 19.50# R2 II WB w/ (NC 50 – 4-1/2” IF Conn.) Hardbanded w/ IPC. 6.60 to 6.65 Box and Pins 7-1/4...
Nominal 6-1/2” Drill Collars
(45) Used, Nominal 6-1/2” Drill Collars with 6-1/4 to 6-1/2” OD Range, 2-1/4” to 2-5/16” ID, 30’ to 31.10’ Length Message us below for a formal quote
4” – 4-7/8” Drill Collar Slips
4” – 4-7/8” Drill Collar Slips Message us below for a formal quote
6-1/4” – 8-1/4” Collar Slips
6-1/4” – 8-1/4” Drill Collar Slips Message us below for a formal quote
(30) Joints DRILCO 4 1/2 HWDP
Price is for ALL Thirty (30) joints of Pipe, This is Un-Used Surplus DRILCO 4-1/2” Heavyweight Drill Pipe With NC 46 Connection Message us below for a formal quote
(15) DRILCO Spiral Drill Collars
Un-Used Surplus DRILCO 6 1/2″ Spiral Collars, Price is is for ALL Fifteen (15) Collars Spiral Single Recess Drill Collars With NC 46 Connection...